Helpful Hints for Data Entry UK

Helpful Hints for Data Entry UK

Cashflow Manager – Helpful Hints Recording Money In and Money Out

Move around

  1. 1. Use your arrow keys or your Tab key to move to other columns and press the 'Enter' key to record any information in a cell.
  2. 2. You can also move between the Allocation Columns by pressing the first letter of the column name on your keyboard.
  3. 3. If you are unable to move to another line, it means that the line you are on is incomplete. The rule is that the Total Receipt must equal the combined total of the Allocation Columns and also equal the combined total of the Bank Deposits and Receipts Not Banked columns. 
  4. 4. When you amend a line that has been previously completed you must ensure that you also press 'Enter' on the Bank Deposits and/or Receipts Not Banked columns to confirm these amounts.

Correct a Mistake

  1. 1. To change the amount you have already entered in a column, arrow to the amount you wish to change and simply start typing. 
  2. 2. To delete the amount, press the 'Delete' key on your keyboard.

Copy and Paste Transactions

  1. 1. To copy a single transaction, right click on the grey box at the left side of the line you wish to copy.
  2. 2. To copy multiple transactions, click in the grey selector box at the left side of the row for the first transaction, then hold down the ‘Ctrl’ key on your keyboard as you select the other transactions you wish to include. (If all the transactions you wish to include are together you can also hold down your ‘Shift’ key on your keyboard and select the first and last transactions.) They will all be highlighted to show they have been selected.
  3. 3. Then press the 'Ctrl’ and ‘C' keys together on your keyboard or right click on one of the grey selector boxes for a highlighted row and click on Copy.
  4. 4. Type in a name of the account, the month and the year where you wish to paste the copied transactions. 
  5. 5. Click on [OK] to finish or [Cancel] to exit.

Edit the VAT

If the VAT Rate changes or you are not registered for VAT, you can change the rate in ‘Options’. (If you are not registered for VAT, change the rate to 0%).

Cashflow Manager has a simple unique system to help you accurately calculate and report your VAT. Each column has a VAT Tax Type that matches the boxes on the VAT Statement. 

When entering Money In or Money Out you record the gross amount (including VAT) into the appropriate column and the VAT automatically calculates.

To edit the VAT:

  1. 1. Record the receipt or payment as normal.
  2. 2. Left click on the grey selector box to select the row.
  3. 3. Right click on the grey selector box and select Edit VAT.
  4. 4. Record the correct VAT in the box that appears.
  5. 5. Click on [OK] to finish or [Cancel] to exit. (You can also reset the VAT to the original calculation by clicking on the [Reset VAT] button.

The program will calculate the proportion of the total receipt that is subject to VAT and report it in accordance with the VAT Tax Type of the column. 

Insert a Line

You can insert a line if you want to keep your transactions in date order (although you can also select to view in date order by clicking on the Date ‘header’.

  1. 1. Right click on the grey box at the left side of the line where you wish to insert.
  2. 2. Click on Insert New Line

A blank row will be inserted immediately above the line you have selected. Enter a transaction into this row as normal.

You could also insert a line by arrowing to the line where you wish to insert and press the F8 key on your keyboard.

Auto Column Selection

To speed up your recordkeeping, you can setup the program so that whenever you type in a customer or supplier name, the amount automatically goes to the selected column.

For example, you can tell the program that every time you type ‘Optus’ as the supplier name, you want it to select ‘Telephone’ as the allocation column.

To do this:

  1. 1. Click on ‘Options’ and then ‘Auto Column Selection’ on the left side menu. Click on ‘Money Out’ and the names of Suppliers you have previously typed into the program will appear.
  2. 2. Select ‘Optus’ as the Supplier. Click on the drop down and select ‘Telephone’ as the column.
  3. 3. Click on [Save]

Private Use Automation

If you have a standard private use percentage that applies to payments recorded in a particular column, you can setup the program to calculate the amount of private use and record that amount in a selected ‘private use’ column.

As an example, let’s say you have 80% private use of your motor vehicle. 

  1. 1. Click on the Options icon and then on ‘Private Use Columns’.
  2. 2. Click in ‘Payments’ to list all your Payments/Money Out columns.
  3. 3. Scroll down to the ‘Motor Vehicle’ column and click on the Percentage (it will be 0 unless you have previously recorded an amount of private use). Click on the drop-down box arrow at the right of the ‘Motor Vehicle’ line and select ‘Owners Drawings’ as the Private Use column.
  4. 4. When you enter an amount in the Motor Vehicle column (e.g. £100), it will save the business proportion (e.g. 20% of £100 = £20) in the Motor Vehicle column and allocate the private proportion (e.g. 80% of £100 = £80) to Owners Drawings.
  5. 5. Click on [Save].

Move Transactions to another account or month

If you accidentally record transactions in a wrong month or wrong account, you can move them to the correct location.

  1. 1. To move a single transaction, right click on the grey box at the left side of the line you wish to move.
  2. 2. To move multiple transactions, click in the grey selector box at the left side of the row for the first transaction. Then hold down the ‘Ctrl’ key on your keyboard as you select the other transactions you wish to include. (If all the transactions you wish to include are together you can also hold down your ‘Shift’ key on your keyboard and select the first and last transactions.) They will all be highlighted to show they have been selected.
  3. 3. Then press the 'Ctrl’ and ‘X' keys together on your keyboard or right click on one of the grey selector boxes for a highlighted row and click on Move.
  4. 4. Type in a name of the account, the month and the year where you wish to transfer the transactions. 
  5. 5. Click on [OK] to finish or [Cancel] to exit.

Remove a Line

You can remove an entire line from your Money In or Money Out Records.

  1. 1. Right click on the grey box at the left side of the line where you wish to remove.
  2. 2. Click on Remove Line

You could also remove a line by pressing the F9 key on your keyboard.

Recurring Transactions - Add a Recurring Transaction

If you have transactions that occur regularly, you can save them in a list of transactions for easy input each time they occur. To add a transaction to your list of recurring transactions:

  1. 1. Right-click on the grey box at the left side of the row for the transaction you wish to add.
  2. 2. Click on Add Recurring.
    • - You can also do this by clicking on the grey box at the left side to select the row and then press the F6 key on your keyboard.
    • - To batch transactions together so you can insert them all at once, click in the grey selector box at the left side of the row for the first transaction, then hold down the ‘Ctrl’ key on your keyboard as you select the other transactions you wish to include. (If all the transactions you wish to include are together you can also hold down your ‘Shift’ key on your keyboard and select the first and last transactions.) They will all be highlighted to show they have been selected.
  3. 3. Then press the F6 key on your keyboard or right-click on one of the grey selector boxes for a highlighted row and click on Click on Add Recurring.
  4. 4. Type in a name that identifies this transaction or group of transactions for selecting them later. 
  5. 5. Click on [OK] to finish.

Recurring Transactions - Insert a Recurring Transaction

Press the F7 key on your keyboard or right click on the grey selector box at the end of your transactions and select Insert Recurring.

The transaction will be inserted at the end of your existing transactions.

Recurring Transactions - Delete a Recurring Transaction

  1. 1. Click on the Options icon.
  2. 2. Click on Delete Recurring Transactions.
  3. 3. Click on the Money In or Money Out option as appropriate.
  4. 4. Click on the down arrow and select the transaction you wish to delete. 
  5. 5. Click on [Save] when finished.

Record a Quantity

You can record an amount (up to 2 decimal places) for Quantities or perhaps Imputation Credits with any of the allocation columns in your Money In and Money Out sections.

  1. 1. Arrow to the allocation column where your amount has been recorded.
  2. 2. Click on the [Quantities] button at the bottom of the Money In table.
  3. 3. Record the amount in the box that appears and click on [OK].

The cell in your Money In or Money Out table will now have a small red marker in the top corner to indicate that a quantity has been recorded.

Quantities will be included in your Transaction Listing, Cashflow and your General Ledger Listing Reports. 

To rename the Quantity Column, click on Tools menu and select Options or on the Options icon. Click on 'Quantity Column & Decimals Displayed.Record the new name (up to 8 characters) and click on [Save].

Sort your Transactions

You can sort your transactions to help you analyse your data. For example, you may wish to see your transactions in date order even though you have entered them in a different way. You may wish to see your transactions in customer order, or you may wish to look at all transactions for a selected Allocation Column together. 

To sort your transactions, simply click on the ‘column header’ for the column you wish to sort by.

Search for Money In or Money Out Transactions

  1. 1. Click on the Tools menu and then on Search. Alternatively, click on the Search icon at the top of the screen.
  2. 2. A Search window will appear and default to the tab active in Cashflow (Money In or Money Out). You can select to search by All Accounts, Selected Accounts, Date, Amount, Customer and Receipt Number (if searching for receipts) or Supplier and Cheque Number (if searching for payments) or Details. 
  3. 3. Select your search criteria and then click the [Search] button. The search results will be displayed.
  4. 4. Click on the [Open Receipt] or [Open Payment] button to view the transactions in your Money In and Money Out tables.
  5. 5. Click on the [Print] button to print your results, or the [Cancel] button to exit.
  6. 6. Click on the START OVER tab if you wish to begin the search again.

Transfer Money In and Money Out from the Invoice and Wages Sections

You can transfer transactions into the Money In and Money Out Records as you are processing them in the Invoice section.

Refer to Invoice Manager Instructions for more information.

Note: If you delete a payment in your Invoice section, this change will not be recorded in your Cashflow records. You will need to open your Cashflow Manager account and make any changes yourself.

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