How Do I Create A Purchase Invoice?

How Do I Create A Purchase Invoice?

Purchase Invoices are generally recorded when you have received the goods and have an invoice from your supplier. This enables you to keep track of payments you owe to your suppliers. It is also used for inventory control as Purchase Invoice items update your inventory list, and therefore increase the number of items on hand.  

Select the supplier from the Supplier List and click on [Purchase Invoices]. Existing purchase invoices will be displayed according to the filter selection of: This Month’s Purchase InvoicesOutstanding Purchase Invoices and All Purchase Invoices.  

Add a New Purchase Invoice:

  1. 1.  Select the supplier from the Supplier List. Click on the [Purchase Invoices] button and then click on the [New] button.
  2. 2. The top left corner displays the Supplier’s Details and the [Purchase Invoice Number]. The next numerical sequenced number is generated but can be changed e.g. to set a manual Purchase Invoice Number by typing the new number in the box.  
    • - The [Invoice Date] defaults to today’s date per the computer. Change this to reflect the date on the supplier’s invoice.  
    • - The[Payment Terms] pre-fill from the information stored in your Supplier’s Details. You can type in amended payment terms if this invoice is different to the normal terms offered by this supplier.  
    • - The [Due Date] is automatically calculated from the date of the invoice and the payment terms. This can be changed by clicking the drop-down arrow next to the date.  
    • - The [Reference Number]can be used to record the invoice number on your supplier's invoice.  
    • - If this Purchase Invoice relates to a previously saved Purchase Order for the same supplier, you can load in the item details from the Purchase Order. Click on the drop-down arrow and choose the P.O. Number from the list. Then click the [Load P.O.] button to load the order’s item details into your invoice. You can then make any modifications to it in order to coincide with the invoice supplied with the goods.  
  3. 3. A checkbox that says ‘Include on Taxable Payments Report?’ will display if you have selected the 'Use Taxable Payments for Contractors' checkbox in 'Options' and the 'Taxable Payments Contractor' checkbox in 'Supplier Details'. If this invoice meets the criteria, ensure the box is ticked.  
  4. 4. Adding items to your Purchase Order is the same as preparing an invoice. However, the Item Code column will only list the inventory items marked as (Buy or Buy/Sell).  
  5. 5. Click the [Save] button.  
  6. 6. When the invoice is complete, click on the [Lock] button to lock the invoice to stop unwanted editing.  
  7. 7. Click on the [Print]button if you wish to print the Purchase Invoice. 
  8. 8. To close the page, click the [Cancel]Button. However, click on [Save] first to save the Purchase Invoice before closing.  
  9. 9. Apply Discount: Type in the amount or rate of discount in the (Apply Discount) box.  
  10. 10. Choose either Percent (%) or (Pound $) and click on the [Apply Discount] button. A line will be added to the invoice items showing the discount in the [Line Total] column as a negative as well as calculate the adjustment to the VAT for the items discounted.  

Please Note: The discount will be calculated from the invoice balance at the time the discount is applied, so if you add more lines to the invoice and then apply another discount, the original items will be discounted further. You can remove a discount line like any other invoice item line (i.e. select the row, click on the Delete key on your keyboard).  


Recurring Purchase Invoices:

If you have invoices that are repeated, or have similar item details, you can save them as a (Recurring Invoice) to save time preparing your Sales Invoices.  

First, create or open an invoice that has the relevant item details filled in. Save the invoice by clicking on the [Save] button.  

Click on the [Recurring] button (You cannot make a finalised invoice recurring).  

A window will appear prompting you to type in a description for the new Recurring Invoice. Click the [Add] button when done.  

To use a Recurring Invoice for a new invoice, add a new invoice, then click the [Recurring] button at the bottom of the New Invoice page, and click the (Use Recurring Invoice) tab.  

Select the description of the saved Recurring Invoice from the list and click the [Use] button. The item details will be loaded into the current invoice. Then close this window and save the new invoice.  


Unlock a Purchase Invoice:

If you have locked an invoice, an [Unlock] button will appear on the Purchase Invoice window. Click on the [Unlock]button to unlock it and make changes.  

Opening Balances (Suppliers): If you already have suppliers with outstanding balances when you start to use Invoice Manager you will need to record the balances for accurate reporting.  

The most accurate way is to record each invoice that has a balance outstanding. As a shortcut you may wish to record one invoice for the Opening Balance so you can apply payments to that invoice.  

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